Welcome 2025
January 1, 2025
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Long Overdue Fall Update
November 10, 2024
June Update
July 11, 2024
Spring Awakenings
April 29, 2024
Spring Awakenings |
Hi Everyone, It’s been a while since I’ve updated and many things have happened. I’ve fully moved to Pelvic Support Physio so if you haven’t visited me at my new digs, please feel free to book. My space isn’t designed for me but it still feels good to be in there and I get to watch over a random trailer park in the middle of the city. It’s been really nice to be able to interact with other people on a regular basis. I’ve been told no one leaves PSP and I can understand why. They’re lovely people so if you’re having any pelvic related issues, I totally recommend this clinic and not just because I’m there. |
I’ve had the chance to retake VM1 which is the first visceral course I took in 2012 (12 years ago!!) and I learned that I wasn’t doing some of the techniques very well…but no worries, I was still helping but just not as effectively. I’ve leveled up my note taking so I don’t have to rely on my garbage handwriting. Each course provides a lot of information and techniques and my brain can only contain so much information so I’ll share my top 3 “huh” moments: 1. Duodenum (first part of the small intestine) can relate to anxiety. Those people who overly apologize and are really worried about everything 2. People who are Gall Bladder people are easily irritated and quick to make decisions and get things done. The Liver is the planner but the Gall Bladder is the execution. 3. The esophagus attaches to the cranial base which means that the digestive system is directly connected to the cranium. 90% of cranial restrictions come from the body!
This is my year of transition. My renos are 96% done which is fine because the important thing is that we’ve moved back in and it feels soooo good to be home. I’ve still got some purging to do and portions of my home are storing costumes & props for the PDTO. What’s the PDTO? It’s the Philippine Dance Troupe of Ottawa which is an organization that has taught Filipino folk dances to children of Ottawa for four decades. We are celebrating our 40th Anniversary this June 29 at the Kailash Mital Theatre at Carleton University. You might be thinking, ‘that’s amazing Kathleen, how can I get tickets to watch this huge milestone?’ Glad you asked. You can go to Eventbrite and get your tickets and right now until the end of April there’s an Early Bird Discount on tickets. We’re 75% sold out right now so if you’re looking for something to do on the 29th or want to learn more about Filipino culture, I strongly encourage you to come. I’m sure that I would get more of you to buy if you knew I was dancing in it…I’m not, sorry. I’m doing a lot of background work for it like learning how to sew :D. Oh and it wouldn’t be very Filipino if there wasn’t food involved so during intermission there will be Filipino food vendors so you can try some delish Filipino cuisine. |
This update wouldn’t be complete without a pickleball update. So last year I applied to a few clubs and put myself on several wait lists to get in but to no avail. I was left with signing up through the OSSC for their pickleball leagues which were ok but not great. Over the winter, I was able to find some regular time in a church hall to have Wednesday night pickleball times and had a fantastic group come and join. This year, I got a lead on Trend Arlington Tennis Club trying to develop more of their pickleball membership since getting court lines and nets a couple of years ago. So on April 9 at 11:59am I was constantly refreshing their site to get on their wait list for membership registration to open at 12:00pm. I received a successful acceptance email and was elated. Visions of pickleball dreams entered my mind…and then I was super stoked when some of my Wednesday night picklers also got memberships. I went to sleep that night my pickleball heart full of joy. The next day my pickleball mind was blown when I got an email from Valleystream Pickleball Club. Now I’ve hit the big time. I was torn whether to keep both or just stay with TATC. I was encouraged to keep both…I just need to figure a way to fit so much pickleball in a week ?.If you’d like to join me on the courts and learn more about pickleball, let me know and we’ll make a date. I’ve got spare paddles so you don’t have to worry about getting equipment. Once you’ve been tickled by the pickle…hmm, not sure how to finish that tagline…let me know if you come up with something. If there’s anything I can do to help you, please let me know. Otherwise, I’ll see you on the 29thof June. ?
Yours in health, Kathleen PS I came up with “once you’ve felt the tickle, you’ll always want to pickle” Would you wear that t-shirt?
Is the Universe Talking to Me?
March 18, 2024
I’m Listening and Acting |
In the clinic, I’ve had many different conversations with people during treatment and some of them have been repetitive so I thought maybe these are things that others might want to know or could find helpful. I listen to a lot of audiobooks, not enough for me to warrant getting an Audible account. I get my audiobooks from the Ottawa Public Library. Shout out to OPL for providing a good selection of books in different genres! I like to listen mostly to non-fiction books and bonus if the reader is the author…there’s a greater chance that I won’t listen at 1.5 speed because I like hearing the author tell me their story. I’ve listened to “The Body Keeps the Score” by Bessel van der Kolk a few months ago. It was good to hear because it was about how our bodies can hold incidences of trauma. That is something that I’ve been telling people is that our tissues hold traumas/memories whether they are physical, emotional, or psychological. Physical trauma is easier for me to explain in terms of the 1st Law of Thermodynamics – Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Energy changes from one form to another so imagine a physical trauma like a fall. Let’s say you slip on some ice and fall on your butt. Pretty common right? The potential energy that existed when you were standing changed to kinetic energy during your fall and when you landed, I like to think of that energy then being turned back into potential energy that is then stuck in your tissues. The body is resilient so that one fall might not be a big deal but there typically comes a point where the body can no longer absorb more energy because its resilience or pliability is compromised. The potential energy is stuck in the tissues and doesn’t allow for movement. We, as humans, need to move both on the global scale and at the tissue level. I’ve observed that tissue that often absorbs this energy is fascia. So, during treatment when there’s a heat release, that heat is coming from the potential energy that was trapped in your fascia that is now being released as thermal energy and letting go. Food for thought, I feel there’s a correlation between visceral issues and emotional trauma. Emotional trauma doesn’t necessarily stand alone, physical trauma can occur simultaneously. If there’s a strong emotion related to a physical trauma that can result organ dysfunction. Organ dysfunction can manifest in physical ailments. I have the book “Understanding the Messages of Your Body” by JP Barral who was the creator of Visceral Manipulation which are the courses that I’ve taken to learn how to treat organs. I haven’t read the book as yet, it’s actually loaned out. I’d probably have finished it if it was an audiobook. ;) I’m currently listening to “When the Body Says No – the Cost of Hidden Stress” by Gabor Mate (there’s an accent aigu on the “e” but I don’t know how to put an accent on). This is interesting because it’s exposed me to psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology (PNI) which is a mouthful and “fingerful” from typing?! PNI shows the relationship between our psyche and its impact on our body to the point of even triggering latent conditions like MS and cancer. It’s important to realize that our body responds to stress the same way regardless of the cause whether it’s a sabretooth tiger chasing us or mounting deadlines at work. The problem with the latter stress is that it often downplayed and there isn’t a definitive end so our body remains in a state of stress which is not what our fight or flight system (Sympathetic Nervous System - SNS) is meant be in. We have a Central Nervous System (CNS) and it has 2 parts the SNS and the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS or rest and digest). It’s always really amazing for me to see someone come in for treatment and I can see that their SNS is really stimulated and that by the end of treatment they are far calmer and relaxed. Craniosacral is really useful for addressing overstimulated CNS because it’s a gentle subtle technique that doesn’t create stimulation on a system this is already overstimulated. We are not all doomed to a constant state of stress. We have the ability to manage stress is with something we all do on a regular basis, breathe. I recently listened to James Nestor’s “Breath” and that was really cool to hear. Did I tape my mouth before bed? Yes, I did but so far haven’t successfully slept the whole night with it on..might be because I’ve only tried with athletic tape since I have ready supply and that it’s not ideal. Did I look silly in my car pinching my nose trying out a technique? Yes, that was me. That was a really interesting “read” because it highlighted how industrialization of food has caused physical changes to human mouth development and crooked teeth. The detrimental effects of mouth breathing! Stop breathing through your mouth! :O Again, not all doom and gloom. He did share stories of people curing their scoliosis through breath, how we have the potential to increase our thermal output so that we could melt a circle around us from sitting and meditating with only light clothing on in the middle of winter. I admit I haven’t incorporated a breathing practice into my regular routine as yet but I hope to soon when my life can settle down a bit or at least until I’m back in my own home (renovations are almost done). If you managed to read to this point, thank you for joining me on this random journey of thoughts, connections, and conversations…hmm, maybe the title of my podcast ? I hope you’ve found something useful in all of this. Send me a message if you did or if you have further questions. Thank you for letting me be part of your health journey. Kathleen PS I don’t know why that emoji showed up but I couldn’t get others to pop elsewhere |
First Month at PSP
February 28, 2024
Time Flies
What month of the year has 28 days? Oh wait, this year is a leap year It’s been almost a month since I’ve closed up Westboro. My time of transition is coming to an end…well I hope so. I’ve been able to move some of my stuff into my new room and settling into the new lay of the land. My parents garage still houses the rest of the clinic stuff but when I’m able to move back home I’ll be able to sort through all of it. My time in my parents’ home will soon end as well. Have a look and see what’s been happening! Lots of changes… |
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Everyone at Pelvic Support Physio have been super welcoming and I’ve had the opportunity to work with new people as well. Welcome to those new to my email list. If you’re curious to see previous messages, they can be found on my website under “Client Communications” |
My second career as DJ KDoG is still going with my 10th mix dropping much like the weather with this flash freeze that’s supposed to happen tonight. I hope you enjoy the acoustic takes on some random songs. |
I’m still keeping up my skills. I’ve signed up to retake VM1 in April. These courses are always so packed with techniques and anatomy that I’m sure to learn/relearn techniques to better serve. If it’s been a while and you haven’t come for a visit to the new digs, click on the button below. I look forward to seeing you. Kathleen PS all the months of the year have 28 days ;) |
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Making The MOVE
January 2, 2024
New Year. New beginnings |
Hello Everyone, Happy New Year! I hope this has been a good start to the new year for you and that you’re holidays have been good. I had virtually a good Christmas…Covid reared its ugly head and my Dad, husband and I joined our family festivities virtually. Well, that meant that I had some immunity for our New Year’s Eve event with the Philippine Dance Troupe of Ottawa. The event was a success selling out tickets and having a 50/50 pot of over $1100 to the winner. |
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Me and my “warrior” boys…yes, those are loin cloths :D |
The new year brings on new challenges and changes. I will be starting at Pelvic Support Physio as of Jan 8. They use the same software, Janeapp, so things will feel familiar however some things will be different. You can go here to make a request for an appointment and they’ll reach out to you, you can call at (613) 726-3838 or click on the button below to book online. When you book, you’ll be asked to complete an intake questionnaire again and I’d appreciate if you can fill it out again as this is a new clinic and need your medical information there. Regarding your chart, I’ll manually upload a copy of your RTP chart to your PSP chart so I have my notes for you. At the end of the month, I’m looking at doing a full transfer of all charts to PSP so I’ll have it if any of you come to see me there. If you don’t want your chart transferred, please let me know. It’s going to be a little clunky during this transition month, so your patience is very appreciated. As of February, I will only be treating out of Pelvic Support Physio. |
Thank you for your continued support and I look forward to working with you in the future. Yours in health,
Kathleen |
Turn!Turn!Turn! (To Everything There Is A Season) - The Byrds
November 26, 2023
Life is Turning… |
Kindergarten Teacher: “What is your name?” Little girl: “Happy bum” Teacher: “Your name is ‘Happy bum’? No really, what is your name?” Little girl: “My name is ‘Happy bum’” Teacher getting annoyed: “If you don’t tell me what your name is, I’m going to have to call your parents” Little girl indignantly: “My name is Happy bum” The teacher calls her parents and asks what their child’sname is. The parents’ response: “Gladys”
What does this have to do with anything? Well, I’ve decided to join a clinic that specializes in the pelvis which is where your bum/ass is. This doesn’t mean that I won’t continue to address whatever ails you but it does mean that I will get to do more Craniosacral and Visceral work which is what I have specialized in. There are a few details to work out but starting January I will be starting to see clients there. I will still be seeing some clients at Return to Play in Westboro for January but then in February I will be moving to Bells Corner only. This process of trying to find my own space proved to be harder than anticipated. I tried and seem to have exhausted all options that came close to meeting all my criteria but nothing worked out. I’m sure this result will be best in the long run. I know that this location is further west and will mean that some of you won’t continue to seek treatment from me. I understand and appreciate the privilege it was to work with you and I hope that I was able to help and support you in your health journey. For those that choose to continue working with me, I will continue to improve and level up as much as possible. With this new direction, I will continue to email periodically and share updates and will do better at providing information that I think you might find some value in. Whether it’s jokes that you may or may not get (Happy bum = Glad-ass), insight into treatment, things I’ve learned from courses or clients, I’ll continue to share those with you. This change is stirring mixed emotions. I’ve been in the Westboro area for over 10 years and have met some pretty awesome people. Even though Return to Play is closing its doors, I will endeavour to always work to return you to play. Yours in gratitude, Kathleen PS we had our first session of pickleball and it was super fun! Looking forward to these regular sessions and what’s to come in the new year PPS you didn’t think you get away with not hearing about pickleball did you ?
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Don’t worry I’ll find jobs for these two |
Distraction Or Passion
November 14, 2023
It’s Time to Put Your Paddle Where Your Mouth Is |
Hmm, that doesn’t quite sound right. I’ve been fortunate to have secured some indoor space to play…you guessed it pickleball! Some of you joined me when we took pickleball to the streets, now I welcome you to join me to take pickleball to church! We’ll be playing at St. Stephen’s Anglican Church off Watson near Pinecrest on Wednesdays from 6-8pm starting next week, Nov 22. These are the following dates: Nov 29, Dec 6, 13, and 20th. The cost for all 5 session is $75. I’m looking for 7 people for this block. No experience needed, I provide net, balls and paddles. Please respond to this email if you want to join. I hope to see you on the courts. |
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Clinic Update
November 6, 2023
Challenging Transitions |
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This time of year marks a lot of changes from my youngest going to a new school and being in grade 7 to the weather to changing locations. Changes are hard. I’ve been looking a potential spaces since July and in October I finally found a space that ticked a lot of the boxes that I need but unfortunately my offer wasn’t accepted. I’m still looking at more spaces this week and hopefully one of them works out. Despite a lot being thrown at me, these transition phases do allow time to look back and appreciate what’s happened and what I’ve learned and that I get to move forward and learn more. I can’t remember who wrote the quote but it went something like ‘the great thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time’. I was hoping to have a clearer plan for 2024 but I don’t…I’m not being kicked out by Dec so I might end up extending a few more months in Westboro. Thank you to those who I’ve seen and ask. It means a lot that you care about what happens to me and my clinic. This time of year also is about the time that I remind you that if you have any benefits left that you’re looking to use, come on in and let me help you transition from doing pretty good to doing great! |
I can’t have an email without mentioning pickleball because I’m sure you’re all waiting with bated breath about my pickleball evolution. Well, let me tell you I’ve been able to get on a spare list for one league and have been called up a couple of times and I’ve been able to hold my own and look forward to my next call up. I’ve also been able to join the group my Dad is part of. They play really late 9-11pm so I try and take a nap beforehand. I’m also finding that my knees are sore for a few days afterwards. I just watched Beckham on Netflix and can really relate to when he decided to retire…the only thing is that I might be in trouble as pickleball is a “seniors” sport, lol, I’ll figure something out. Hope to see you soon to help you feel good in your body. Otherwise, I’ll be in touch when the needle moves towards the direction of a new space. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Stay safe. Kathleen |
Westboro Location Is Closing Down
September 17, 2023
Hips and Numbers Don’t Lie |
So I foreshadowed some changes coming up and this is a big one. I met with my money coach and she highlighted that my business numbers are not healthy and that my business is not allowing me to live the way I want and to do the things that are important to me (no, I’m not looking to go pickleball pro just yet ;) ). Part of that reason is that my overhead is too much and I’m not close to maximizing my current space. I’ve made the decision to do something about that and downsize my work space. I love my clinic and truly feels it’s a reflection of me but it’s just too much and I don’t want to work too much and risk burnout. What I’ve learned over the months of looking for new space is that smaller office spaces with natural light and a sink are hard to find. First off, I want to thank those of you who have continued to see me for their injury and pain needs over the years. I want to keep being able to provide excellent service but I need your help. I’ve been toying with the idea of becoming an associate again if I’m not able to find a space that meets my needs. Being an associate means I’ll be working out of someone else’s clinic and typically would work on specific days and times. I might end up needing to work in a couple of different clinics in order to work the amount I need to. I did find a potential space that could work but it’s in Barrhaven which is great and convenient for me but might not be great and convenient for you. Ideally, I’m looking to rent a space more west of the city (between Bayshore and Woodroffe exits) with natural light, low rent, is accessible, and free parking. I want to hear from you because I want to continue to be able to provide you with great treatments in the future. Below is a link to a Google form with one question on it. I’d like to know what’s more important to you, availability or location. Availability would lead me to continue to try and find my own space to rent somewhere in the west…maybe south west. Location would lead me to become an associate and be more convenient to get to. Thank you for taking the time to help guide me. |
It's So Hard To Say Goodbye
September 12, 2023
Christina will be leaving RTP |
It is not with a heavy heart that I say this because Christina is finding balance and making room for more exciting things in her life. Her oldest is expecting and I think having a hot new young Lola (grandmother in Filipino) available and fresh to dote on her first grandchild is something super exciting to make room for. With that, Christina will only be here for a limited time. Her last day will be October 10th. Book your appointment now and don’t miss out on great treatment. |
There are more changes to come at RTP in this last quarter of the year but more on that to come. This is where I build suspense so you’ll want to come in and find out ;D |
Possible Change In Career??
August 15, 2023
DJ KDoG drops the latest playlist |
Don’t worry I’m not actually changing my career path. I’ve learned that I’m very fortunate that I love what I do and I’m good at it. I was asked the hypothetical question ‘if you won the lottery, what would you do?’ Some people say they’d quit their job and retire to some tropical island. I don’t think I would. I’d keep doing what I do because I see that I can make a difference in people’s lives by helping them stay active or get active by decreasing pain and increasing mobility. I might take a few more vacations. ;) Anyway, back to the reason for this message. For those of you I’ve seen recently, you’ve had a sneak peek at what Clinic Music for Me 9 sounds like (one of you has voiced his preference for the Proclaimers original song but to him I say ‘go on listening to the Moana soundtrack’ and I’ll continue to play my playlists :P) I’ve started #10 but that won’t be dropping any time soon (listen to me with the lingo). For my teacher people out there who gave me the advice to do Careers and Civics in the summer of Grade 9, check and done. For those same people, this is a reminder that your benefits turnover in at the end of August so come on in for a maintenance appointment for yourself or loved one. I’ve still got a few spaces left in August. I hope you’re living your best life and I look forward to when I can help you again. Kathleen |
Summer Send Off
June 30, 2023
Hazy Days of Summer |
Maybe not the greatest term to use as of late but we’ll hope for the regular “haze” of summer to come. Canada Day is tomorrow and I just wanted to reach out and give people an update on what’s happened and what’s to come. The Picklepinos made their debut at the Heart Institute Pickleball Classic and what a debut! We went undefeated and helped raise over $31000. And even got a pic with Daniel Alfredsson. Picklepinos are not tall but Alfie was kind enough to bend over a little so he wasn’t totally towering over us. The other people in the picture are my sister and her daughter who has a fierce grip on the paddle so possible future Picklepino. |
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We had a blast playing so I asked my Dad if he wanted to compete in actual tournaments with me but he politely declined. Don’t worry, I’m getting my pickleball fix by having signed up with OSSC (Ottawa Sport and Social Club) pickleball sessions both drop-in and league. Also, I’m up for meeting up with anyone who wants to play, email me and let’s make it work. I’m not sure if you’ve heard but there are some international rugby matches coming to Ottawa this summer, July 8 and 14. You better believe I will be there and if you’re there please stop by and say, ‘hi’. Canada is ranked 4th in the world and they’ll be playing NZ on the 8th who are the current champions. They’re going to be great games. |
Summer brings on changes in schedules. This summer Christina will not be around and she will be missed but will be back in the fall full of vigor and ready to take on whatever you have accumulated over the season. ;) In the meantime, if there’s something that been nagging at you or if there’s anything I can help you out with, come on in or email me. Happy Canada Day! In case, I don’t see you have a great summer and we look forward to when we can serve you next. |
Pickleball Update
May 10, 2023
Hi All, Over the weekend, RTP held the first every RTPickleball. The sun was shining almost as bright as the eager faces of those who came out. I have to admit I impressed myself with how well the court turned out, straight rainbow coloured lines and everything! Thank you Jordan (NOT Jarrod), Susan, Micheline and Louise for coming out. I hope you’re all excited to play again. |
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Now an update on the Picklepinos. We’ve been able to have some more playing time together and we’ve leveled up because my Dad has a new paddle! New paddle has led to better ball control…I might need him to get new shoes because there were several plays he didn’t move his feet and had me running around all over the place. We also have a lesson with a pickleball pro later in the month to go over strategy and tactics. I really don’t want to embarrass ourselves and get pickled in all the games. Just today, I ordered us team shirts. They’re pretty showy so hopefully our play will match our gear. |
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If you’re on the fence about supporting the Picklepinos, here’s a gentle shove to get you off that fence and to sponsor us. Click on the link below! |
Also over the weekend, I found new tennis/pickleball courts in Barrhaven that are super close to me. I just need to find neighbours who are just as obsessed to play with…hopefully we don’t get shut down like they did in Manotick. But peeps in the Haven are cooler than those in the Tick (no one calls it that). The weather looks promising for the next while so hopefully you’ll get to enjoy it. I hope to get out on my bike soon too, maybe biking over to the pickleball courts (and you thought I might switch the topic away from pickleball, nope circled right back ;D ) If there’s anything I can do to help you in your health journey, let me know. Have a great evening!
April 2023 Activities
April 26, 2023
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Hello, This email is going to have a lot of information so hold on tight… So last week I took Visceral Manipulation 4 where I learned new techniques to address the thorax. You wouldn’t know it based on the pictures above. I saw the Cursed Child and it was magical and awesome! I highly recommend and I loved it so much that I’m planning a mini-vacation to take my family to see it. The show ends July 2nd. The other picture is of me at Jollibee which is a fast food chain from the Philippines and I feel that I lose some Flip cred if I was within walking distance and didn’t go. |
Not sure what “kitty paws" treatment means, well book in and I’ll be more than happy to show you. If you or someone you know has been having issues with headaches, neck pain, heartburn, can’t quite breathe as deeply, or just generally feeling limited in your thorax then click on the button above and see me. Next super exciting thing that has happened is that I was informed that the Ottawa Heart Institute is having their Inaugural Pickleball Classic that is open to all sorts…I’m all sorts so I’ve signed up. If you have a heart (and I know you do), help me raise some funds as you never know when we might need their services and research. Come and visit my team’s page. We’re the Picklepinos! |
Experiencing a little FOMO because you haven’t been bitten by the pickleball bug, well you’re in luck my friend. RTP is hosting an intro to pickleball event on May 6th starting at 3pm in the parking lot. Be sure to sign up at the link below as I’ll be emailing participants further details.
If you’re still here and reading this, thank you. You’re great and I truly appreciate your support in all my endeavours. I look forward to when I can serve you next. Have a great day! Kathleen |
You've Heard The Talk, Now YOU Can Do The Walk
April 4, 2023
Getting That Spring Back In Your Step
March 8, 2023
Spring Forward this Sunday |
As the weather hopefully changes towards spring (although I’m not going to be surprised if we still get a few more dumps of snow), people like yourselves are looking to get outside and active. As you’re getting that spring back in your step, if you have a mis-step I’m here for you. I’ve created 2 new packages to support you. My data shows me that the average client sees me about 4 times a year. I’ve created the High 5 Package to cover off any mishaps with a spare for maintenance to get you through the season or maybe something you use just before benefits renew. These sessions do have an expiration date of one year. The other package is the Top 10 which are 10 sessions with me that don’t expire. If you’re interested in taking advantage of either of these offers, please contact me at info@rtptherapy.com. The packages are available from this Sunday (March 12) to Easter (April 9). |
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Physically Impacting Brains
February 21, 2023
Next Level of Fascial Work |
At RTP, we’re constantly trying to level up our skills and knowledge. I’ve taken another Barral course but a different branch of their offer. Some of you may have experienced some Visceral Manipulation (treating organs), now I’ll be mixing in some Neural Manipulation. As the title implies it’s about treating nerves and in this first course we learned how to address the biggest “nerve” the brain. |
If you know anyone or maybe yourself, that has been dealing with chronic pain that seems to have come from no where but when you start to think of it you remember all sorts of stuff that has happened, then come in. This is particularly targeted for those who have experienced whiplash. |
Next Level Of Intimacy With Your Partner
January 13, 2023
CUPpling for the WIN |
Hello RTP Community,
I’ll be running another course of CUPpling February 1st and 15th from 6-8pm at the clinic. If you’ve been thinking about what to get your significant other, why not get them the gift of feeling good in their body…and then maybe later you can feel each other’s good bodies ;) Maybe you need some “suck-ual healing”… |
I don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day but that doesn’t mean you can’t. It’s a different level of intimacy cupping your partner all over their body. I provide the lubrication and sheets. Click on the link below to register today! |
PS You don’t actually have to be a couple to take the course. It’s definitely not sexual. You can sign up and be partnered with someone else but it does make it easier if you bring a friend. |
Only Looking Back Can I Appreciate What We’ve Accomplished
December 28, 2022
I have to start this email with a huge thank you to all of you for being part of my journey both as a business and as a person. This has been a huge year coming out of the pandemic (although I get that it’s not quite over) and adapting to the new norms. This year, through the inspiration of many of you, my family and I did 4 day bike trip riding 200km through Quebec. The memories and experiences on that ride will be with us for years to come.
Through the Clinician Business Labs (business mentoring program), I created “CUPpling” a course to help teach people the benefits of cupping and how to cup themselves. Thank you to the Magnificent 7 that took the first iteration of the course and provided me a safe space to launch. Thank you for your support and feedback and I hope to continue to provide more value on your health journeys. Check out a couple of TikTok videos that I created after that course.
Social Media isn’t something that I thought I’d be overly involved with but I understand that it can be used as a means of attracting a broader audience and getting the word out about CUPpling but also RTP. So if you’re on TikTok or Instagram my handle is rtptherapy (handle, I’m so in the know). Follow me and I hope I don’t lead you down some social media rabbit hole.
Check out who has a new friend! Hopefully in the new year I’ll also be able to grow my human team but in the meantime, Baby Groot is a welcomed addition to my cardholding staff.
Thank you again for being part of the RTP community. We look forward to serving you.
Return to Play Therapy team
P.S. Creating packages seemed to have been a success so we’ve created more. We’d like to reward those of you who feel the value of regular appointments. You can purchase 10 sessions with Kathleen or a combination of 5 with Kathleen and 5 with Christina. If you’re interested in them please email at info@rtptherapy.com for more details.
You're awesome and let me tell you why
October 20, 2022
CUP-pling is FULL!! |
I asked and you responded spectacularly. Thank you so much to those you registered and ready to start this new adventure. The mysterious world of fascia journeyed through using cups, I hope will be fun and beneficial for you. Don’t worry if you didn’t have a chance to register because the dates didn’t work for you but you’re still interested, please email me at info@rtptherapy.com and I’ll put you on a waitlist as I’m sure I’ll be launching an updated version of this course in the future. If you’re interested in adventuring on your own with cups, I do have cups available for sale. They come individually in the following sizes XS, S, M, L, and as a set. If you’re interested in getting some for yourself, please email me at info@rtptherapy.com. |
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I’m cuckoo for cups! |
Be the First. Are you an early adopter?
October 18, 2022
Launch of CUPpling
I’ve created a cupping course to help you free your fascia and feel improved mobility in your body. The course will run for 2 Thursday evenings, November 10 & 24 from 6-8pm at Return to Play Therapy (294 Picton Ave). For this beta launch course, it is $199 per pair. You don’t have to be a couple to CUPple (groan I know but I think I’m funny). A lot of the techniques are self applied/inflicted but some do require a partner. The fee also includes a couple of cups. I’m only taking a small group so if you’re interested please register via the button below. If you have any questions, please email me at info@rtptherapy.com. |
It Was a Wild Ride!
August 31, 2022
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I have to start off by thanking so many of you that made this experience one to remember. Thank you to Flori telling me about this bike trip. Thank you to Scott and Eric for all the great advice about the ride as well as preparing for it. You literally saved our butts! Thank you to Beverly and Flora for jerseys, I’d like to think that we rocked the look. Thank you to Susan for your last minute suggestion on electrolyte tabs for hydration. This was a great adventure for our family. We knew that Day 1 was going to be a challenge and it was. What I didn’t know was actually how sore my legs were going to be. Thank goodness we had access to a lake so we did some hydrotherapy but I was genuinely afraid that I wasn’t going to make it. Fortunately, it did get better from there. We breathed in the fresh air and took in the scenery. Our country is so beautiful! I’m so unbelievably proud of my boys (yes, Dan is included in this and he knows why) and I for completing this, and I’m looking forward to our next adventure. During this time of vacation and recovery, I am getting re-energized and refocused on continuing to provide excellent service. I continue to put forth my best effort at each and every session to get you results. I am raising my rates so that I can remain in business and provide you quality service for years to come. My rate is increasing to $145/hr and the student rate to $130/hr as of October 1st, 2022. Over the past couple of years, you have seen many businesses struggling to remain open and the cost of resources have continued to rise. This is the approach that I am taking to allow me to continue to provide you with the experience that you deserve. If you’d like to discuss any concerns, we can book a 15 minute phone call. Please email me at info@rtptherapy.com to arrange the call. I am providing a one time offer to pre-purchase as many sessions as you’d like at the current rate. These appointments will not expire. You will be able to purchase them as “packages” until September 30, 2022. Please email me at info@rtptherapy.com to arrange that. Thank you for your continued support in my growth and development as a therapist and as a person, and I hope that you feel that you have been a part of that growth and will continue to find value this relationship. I look forward to the next time I’m able to support you. Yours in health, Kathleen |
How Can RTP Innovate Its Offering
Sent Aug 17, 2022
It’s the eve of THE biggest inclusive rugby tournament in the world, Bingham Cup, and I’m organizing the medical coverage. I’m nervous about it because there have been so many moving parts and things building to this event. I’ve been super fortunate to have such great support and awesome people sign up to provide care for this event.
It’s made me think about how can I better support my peeps. I’ve spoken to a few of you about a cupping course that I’m developing. What I’d like to create is a course or program to help you treat and manage yourself using cups…which I’m sure some of you have mixed feeling about. However, cups are accessible and fairly simple to use. The course is called, “Cup-pling” because it’ll use cups but also to be done in pairs. You don’t have to be a couple to “cup-ple.” ;D What I’d really appreciate is your feedback on what areas you would find helpful for me to address. As much as some of you know intimately and don’t like it, IT band work will be included…some of you might be rethinking signing up.
Please let me know by replying to this email. Thank you for your feedback and I look forward to creating something that can continue to help you and others.
It’s time to see faces again
Sent June 13, 2022
Hello Lovely People of the RTP Community,
I’m a little late in getting this out as it was a rugby weekend and I didn’t get a chance to get this info out. I have received word that masks are no longer required which is great because now I can meet some of you face to face and see what you look like without masks. The therapists at RTP will continue to use masks during sessions. Personally, I’ll greet you without a mask but when treatment starts, I’ll put one on so I don’t breathe on you. If you decide to wear a mask, that is great but no longer required. We will also no longer need to shoot you in the head with our thermometer. I have tucked my friend away in a drawer however please do NOT come in if you are sick. That will remain a standard going forward. You will also no longer need to complete screens before each session.
Ahhh, can you feel the little of freedom from admin stuff that needs to be done. I do want to tell you about a feature that is available and some have tried it. The waitlist option has been updated. If you add yourself to the waitlist, please be specific when your availability is. If a cancellation happens, you and any other on the list will be notified about the opening and it’s a first come first served booking. I’m not sure but sometimes the exact time of the opening isn’t sent out with the notification so that’s why I ask you to be specific in your availability so that if an opening happens then you can book it knowing that you can take it. You should get a confirmation email with the details once it’s booked.
Things are moving along at RTP. Maybe I’m feeling good after a really fun hot pot experience over the weekend I’m not sure but what I’m sure is we’re ready to help you out as best we can. Looking forward to seeing you all when that time comes. Have a great day!
Yours in Health,
What’s up with Masks?
Sent June 5, 2022
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Hello Valued People of the RTP Community, I know there have been different businesses and settings that have removed their mask policies. The College of Massage Therapy has said that masks are still to be used until at least June 11th. This is what has been set for health care settings as RTP falls under the category of a health care facility. I want to let you know that going forward when the masks are no longer required, the therapists at RTP will continue to wear masks. For me personally, I like not breathing on people when I’m working on their heads or necks. Before the pandemic, I would be mindful to turn my head away which then alters my mechanics and posture. We won’t be making it mandatory for clients, however if you choose to wear one to reciprocate that would be appreciated. We hope that you have all been recovering well from the derecho that marched through our city weeks ago. Ottawans are resilient. |
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Also, please note our schedules will be changing slightly over the summer. Work - life balance and all with some of us having kiddies home for the summer. If you’re thinking that it’s about time you see one of us, please book now so we don’t block that day out. Thank you for your continued patronage and support. We look forward to serving you again. |
No Fooling, Changes Are Happening
March 31, 2022
Hi All,
I just wanted to give you a heads up that when you book online there are some changes to the treatment names. If you’re looking for more of a traditional massage for a whole body approach please book a “Wellness” treatment. Some of you know that I’m not skilled in this approach so you won’t be able to book that with me ;). There are more time options for “Wellness”.
If you’re looking to have something more specific addressed then please book a “Targeted” treatment in either Athletic Therapy (AT) or Massage Therapy (MT). I’ve also created an option if someone experiences a concussion and wants to see me for that. The receipts will still indicate what treatment and time for example “Massage Therapy 60 minutes”. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Saturday Massages Available
March 22, 2022
Vanessa has graciously opened up some appointment times on Saturdays. This is a fantastic opportunity to get great treatment that you might not otherwise be able to fit in during the work week. Vanessa has been busy leveling up her skills in Neural Manipulation. She has already taken NM1 which is about addressing trauma around the head and recently took the next level of NM2 which focuses on the nerves of the neck and shoulders. If you’ve had long standing issues in the upper extremity (shoulder, elbow, wrist) or head trauma that doesn’t seem to be resolving with conventional treatments, this could be the solution you’ve been looking for. She also updated her skills of Visceral Manipulation for the abdomen so any digestive issues that are lingering or not improving, book today. Vanessa is able to blend traditional massage techniques with her other unique skill sets. Come in and feel the difference.
Covid Protocols Will Remain in Effect
Sent March 17, 2022
Hi All,
I have received confirmation from my regulated college that RMTs will continue with masking as we are a health care setting. On March 21st the government has said that masking will no longer be required except on public transit, health care settings, long-term care homes and congregate care settings. When treating we are within your personal space and want to make sure we are both as safe as possible. If all goes well, they are projecting that by the end of April masks will no longer be required anywhere. Until then you will continue to receive screens, your temperature will continue to be taken upon arrival, masks will be worn, and sanitizing will continue to be done between clients.
We will eventually get to meet each other face to face…hmm now I can’t hide my missing tooth. I’ll get that sorted before the end of April ;)
Have a great rest of the March break if you are on break. Enjoy the weather today it’s supposed to be pretty warm today. See you soon.
Kathleen and the team at RTP
We’ve leveled up and so are our fees
Sent Feb 28, 2022
Dear Valued Clients, I understand that times have been challenging for a number of us and I don’t bring this up lightly. Return to Play Therapy started offering massage in 2016 and has not increased the massage rates. Since that time, I’ve expanded my team and the team has expanded their skills and knowledge. This increases the value of the service provided. I am also increasing the Athletic Therapy rates to match the massage rate as I’m providing the same approach to treatment incorporating the same unique skill set to each session. I acknowledge that the Athletic Therapy rates had recently increased however I could no longer justify having different rates for the same approach. This means that it’s easier for me to switch and provide a different receipt as needed. We will continue to grow and develop. We will continue to perform to our best ability at each session and provide the best care we can to help you towards your health goals. If you have any concerns or questions, please direct them to Kathleen at kathleen@rtptherapy.com. |
As an expression of some levity, the Post Covid Guide was created to help people “transition” out of this pandemic. Hopefully the end is in sight. Click on the button below and have a look. |
We are grateful for you and look forward to continuing to build strong relationship going forward. We will continue to work towards returning you to play as effectively as possible. Yours in health, The Return to Play Team |
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A Look Back at 2021
Sent Dec 30, 2021
I meant to send a message wishing you all a Merry Christmas but like many of you this latest iteration of the virus had us making changes to holiday plans that unfortunately put this message on the back burner. No need to fret as I’m sending you greetings now. I hope that you all had a good Christmas and were able to be with the ones you loved either in person or virtually!
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Petey is working over the holidays while Baby Yoda is enjoying the view from his destination vacation of the window sill. |
Much like 2020, there have been a lot of changes that have been made and I want to thank you all for shifting and being flexible to what has happened and let’s face it will not likely be the last. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think that everything that has changed has been bad. This year we ran a Hybrid Infant Massage Course with Christina where she taught moms how to provide their babies with massage. With a virtual option we were able to remove the geographical necessity for attendees. One mom was in Alberta. Virtual was also helpful when life happens like the baby was napping and you don’t want to wake a sleeping baby or an older sibling is sick so meeting up with other people isn’t going to happen. It was a great learning opportunity for everyone involved. I learned that I could be replaced by a stand instead of holding my phone to video the demonstration.
Another big change was Vanessa joining the RTP team. I feel very fortunate to have another excellent therapist be available to provide service and care to all you awesome people. It was great too to be able to have taken the Pelvic Viscera course with her and we have been able to add that to our offerings at RTP. We’d been waiting almost 2 years to take this course because of the pandemic but have already been able to make impactful changes to people.
I have been personally working on growing the business but also myself. I’ve done things that I didn’t think that I would do. I’ve started a Facebook Page about Fascia called “Fascia-Nation”. A little geeky but then again so am I. Check it out and like and follow it (apparently that’s a thing, see I’m learning about this social media stuff although Facebook is for old people…ahh MY people ;). The Instagram and Twitter icons don’t link to anything but now the Facebook one does) There’s more to come in 2022 and I look forward to sharing that with you.
Help me, help you - Jerry Maguire
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Hi Everyone, We just wanted to let you know of a couple of changes that are going to be happening starting next week. The Covid screen that is usually sent a couple of hours ahead of the appointment will now be sent 24hr ahead of your appointment. It was brought to our attention that not everybody can access it that soon before the appointment and doing the screen the day before would be better. We heard you and we’re making the change. The other change that is happening is that we’ve created an insurance form that if you have extended benefits, you can add your insurance information so that we can direct bill. Hopefully this will make the process smoother for both parties involved. This form will be automatically sent to anyone new to the clinic but you might also receive it if you have a policy on file or not. Sorry if this is a bother. Last but not least, this is a reminder to those with extended benefits. Maybe you’ve been holding off just in case something happens during the year that you’ll need treatment for, well the year is drawing to an end. We’re fortunate at RTP that we have excellent therapists with great skills that are ready to help you. Now is the time to address that nagging ache or that limitation in your movement that you’ve been working around…might also be nice to treat yourself in the middle of the holiday rush in anticipation of being on your feet or maybe elbowing other customers to get that much sought after gift. Help yourself by booking. Help us, help you. ;) We look forward to working with you! |
Problematic Pelvises
Vanessa and I had the fortune to be able to take Barral’s Visceral Manipulation Course on the Pelvis over the weekend. I experienced that the pulling behind my knee that I thought was muscular was actually a restricted ligament in my pelvis. If you have chronic pain in your low back, urinary issues, champion mom who’s child wreaked havoc on them on their way out, or had a fall on that good old coccyx, then come in soon while the skills are still fresh in mind! |
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New Member to the RTP Team
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As cute and welcoming Grogu, aka “Baby Yoda” is, he’s not the only new team member RTP is excited to have aboard. We are eager to add Vanessa Leo to the team. Vanessa is another RMT with CST and VM training and is looking forward to providing excellent care to you. She will be starting October 1st. |
Exclusively RTP
Kathleen will now be exclusively working at Return to Play starting this September. Since the clinic opened in 2019, she has been working at both RTP and MEDSPORT Ottawa but the time has come that she will be working at Return to Play only. The focus will be to grow RTP and with that another RMT is in the works to start in October but more news about that to come! |
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Also a head’s up that an updated Covid screen will now be sent pre-treatment that more closely matches Ottawa Public Health’s Screening Tool for Workplaces. |
Thank you for your continued support and patronage!! |
Updated Self Check-In
We’ve got an updated self check-in sign to be posted on the window to the right side of the front door. (Hopefully this one will survive the fading caused by the sun). There are instructions on how to use the self check-in, you will need your RTP login and password. (If you don’t know your login or password, let me know and I’ll send you an email to reset them). Below is what you’ll see. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask at info@rtptherapy.com. Thank you for your cooperation or at least your attempt at checking in ;) |
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Updated Covid Screening Questionnaire
To better align with the current situation in Ottawa, the questionnaire has been updated to match what is being provided by Ottawa Public Health’s Screening Tool. Although more stringent, everyone’s safety is our priority. Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to continuing to provide excellent service and helping you as best we can. Stay safe.
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We have new emails!
We hope you had a great weekend and got tWe’re trying to streamline things at Return to Play. |
If you have any questions or need to change an appointment, please email info@rtptherapy.com (but let’s face it right now I’ll still be the one to reply to these emails ?). |
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If you need to contact Kathleen directly, please email her at kathleen@rtptherapy.com If you need to contact Christina, please email her at christina@rtptherapy.com |
Fees are increasing starting September 1, 2020
We at Return to Play Therapy are committed to providing excellent service and getting results to help support you to achieve your health goals. Our fees have been at this rate since 2016 and our skill sets have grown to better address your needs. There was an intention to increase fees however when the pandemic broke that was put on hold. The increase is to better align the fees for Athletic Therapy and Massage Therapy. We are giving you notice now that fees will increase come September to remain transparent as we value open communication and want to maintain that with you.
If you have a moment to share what about Return to Play Therapy you like the most, your feedback would be greatly appreciated. Whether that's the new space, the results we get, or the amazement at how we're able to find that spot on your body that you didn't know was that sore. To share your feedback, simply reply to this email. Thank you in advance.
We look forward to continuing to service you. Stay safe.
Yours in health,
Return to Play Therapy team
Return to Play Therapy is excited to have Christina join the Team!
We announced Christina joining our team in March and she was all ready to start but then the pandemic happened and we've all had a bit of adapting to do. She's now ready to start and ready to help reduce your stress and maybe help you have a "nicer" association with RTP ;)
If you're shoulders are up at your ears from working from home, come on in.
If you need a reason to get out of your home, she can do that.
If you've got some massage benefits that have built up because you haven't been able to get a massage for 3 months, book now.
If you want to have someone treat you nicer than Kathleen does, she's much nicer and will derive less pleasure in any pain she might cause so click on the button below.